Thursday, March 09, 2006

President Fife

While I can find many parallels between our current president and the loveable TV fuck-up, Barney Fife, I can only find three real points of difference:

1) Barney had good intentions.

2) When Barney fucked up, the only thing in jeopardy was the wellbeing of Aunt Bee's pies, or
perhaps the that of the local drunk, Otis.

3) The people around Barney were smart enough to only give him one bullet for his revolver.

Since the first point is a rather plastic one and I dont really give a shit about pies right now, I will concentrate on number three. You can add one more bullet to this retards revolver because as of today, the Patriot Act is here to stay. Which means that now, law enforcement around the country have all of the time in the world to abuse their newfound power. You remember that kid that you stole cookies from in kindergarten? Well he remembers you, and you better pray to whatever deity is convenient to you that he did not grow up to become a cop.

Welcome to a new era. One that doesn't know the meaning of the phrase "illegal search and seizure". One where the antiquated phrases of yesteryear such as "witch" will be replaced by "terrorist". Instead of being burned at the stake, they will be watched. Listenned to. Observed if you will. Eventually to be blatantly searched and possibly jailed. Welcome to 1984. Cameras everywhere. Why would the government be interested in me taking a shit? For the same reason I used to be able to talk my way out of traffic/parking tickets when I had short, respectable hair. For the same reason you never see two police cruisers with lights flashing on the side of the road behind a Jesus-Fish-laden mini-van.

Why is he still in office? Why does noone seem to care that he is chipping away at the system of checks and balances; nullifying large chunks of the Constitution?

Don't piss off any public official or even anyone who stands a chance of becoming one. You are electing gods now.

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both."- Benjamin Franklin



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