He died for our sins so we honor him by being inconvenienced
Happy belated Jesus-Day everyone.
Micki: "Yeah, Taco Bell is always open. But thats about it."
Me: "This is your Lord's fault."
Since it was a religious holiday I spent the majority of my time wandering into the center of a forest and becoming inebriated solely for the challenge of finding my way out. I needed to do something to take my mind off the sad truth that I had just come to realize; the fact that with my current wages, I don't make enough money to live. Shortly I will need to go out in search of a new job and my cross-hairs are centered directly on the myriad of local magazines and newspapers. This is all in light of my recent epiphany that I, much like communism, make a lot more sense on paper.
If I could draw a generalized version of the Washington landscape peppered liberally with fat people eating hundred-dollar-bills I could easily make a few dollars as a political cartoonist. Especially in our current political climate. But sadly I am not blessed with the ability to graphically depict the morbidly obese, at least not in the symbolic context of pork-barrel legislation. So instead I will just rip into these bastards verbally.
Where shall I begin?
It would be wise to start by pointing out the obvious hypocrisy of the fact that our country is currently teetering on the edge of using nuclear force to prevent Iran from having nuclear force. Somehow I can't help but think that this whole thing is, at least in part, some very large and dangerously ill-concieved broom to sweep under the rug the ever widenning array of scandals that seem to pop up almost daily like methane bubbles from a stagnant swamp.
The most recent bubble is the fact that six retired generals who were quite deeply involved in the Iraq War are now calling for the resignation of Donald Rumsfeld. This is an incredible attack that, in the twisted minds of those at the helm, would warrant this large Iranian broom. Sadly though I have to agree with Rolling Stone magazine when they assert "Rummy is not going anywhere. Despite what you may have heard, we still have three co-equal branches of government: Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld. Neither Dick nor Rummy serve at the pleasure of the president. Along with Bush, they are president.
"Think of it this way: If Cheney is Bush's adult supervision, Rumsfeld is Cheney's. Rummy was Cheney's boss and mentor in the Seventies and that power dynamic remains in full effect. In the Cheney/Rumsfeld cabal, power flows downhill from Rumsfeld." (Rolling Stone, April 14, 2006)
Maybe this is a desperate grab in the dark. They are, after all, running out of distractions.
Maybe what we are seeing is a horrid administration that is finally seeing the cracks in its own foundation. One that knows that sometime in the near future the weight of its lies, guilt and hypocrisy is going to reach critical mass. I hope when Bush reads the paper in the morning, or at least has someone give him the gyst of it, he feels that familiar, panicked, sinking feeling. Like when you are stopped at a redlight and you look into your rear-view mirror to realize that the inattentive driver behind you is not going to stop.
What ever happened to good ol' Scooter? Well, all I can find on the whole Libby situation is an article on Rolling Stone and a couple of new links on The Smoking Gun that indicate that he is calling Karl Rove and Ari Fleischer to testify. "You're doin' a helluva job" Scooter.
To top this feculent pile is yet another shining emblem of our great nations trend of overcoming adversity, triumphing beyond all odds and making it to the top of the hill to look out onto a beautiful sunrise then, for no aparent reason, turning around and running the other way: The Omaha, Nebraska school district is going to re-segregate. Thats right, in early July 2008 there will be three separate yet deliberately unequal school systems in Omaha. One mostly for whites, one mostly for blacks and one mostly for hispanics.
This, along with the fact that theology is being taught as a science at several institutions after being smuggled in under the guise of "Intelligent Design" as well as Bush's early cabinet-meetings with God and all 'round erosion of the separation of church and state are just footprints that our society is leaving in the sand as we back-pedal into some previous century that will keep the Right in both power and wealth.
Micki: "Yeah, Taco Bell is always open. But thats about it."
Me: "This is your Lord's fault."
Since it was a religious holiday I spent the majority of my time wandering into the center of a forest and becoming inebriated solely for the challenge of finding my way out. I needed to do something to take my mind off the sad truth that I had just come to realize; the fact that with my current wages, I don't make enough money to live. Shortly I will need to go out in search of a new job and my cross-hairs are centered directly on the myriad of local magazines and newspapers. This is all in light of my recent epiphany that I, much like communism, make a lot more sense on paper.
If I could draw a generalized version of the Washington landscape peppered liberally with fat people eating hundred-dollar-bills I could easily make a few dollars as a political cartoonist. Especially in our current political climate. But sadly I am not blessed with the ability to graphically depict the morbidly obese, at least not in the symbolic context of pork-barrel legislation. So instead I will just rip into these bastards verbally.
Where shall I begin?
It would be wise to start by pointing out the obvious hypocrisy of the fact that our country is currently teetering on the edge of using nuclear force to prevent Iran from having nuclear force. Somehow I can't help but think that this whole thing is, at least in part, some very large and dangerously ill-concieved broom to sweep under the rug the ever widenning array of scandals that seem to pop up almost daily like methane bubbles from a stagnant swamp.
The most recent bubble is the fact that six retired generals who were quite deeply involved in the Iraq War are now calling for the resignation of Donald Rumsfeld. This is an incredible attack that, in the twisted minds of those at the helm, would warrant this large Iranian broom. Sadly though I have to agree with Rolling Stone magazine when they assert "Rummy is not going anywhere. Despite what you may have heard, we still have three co-equal branches of government: Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld. Neither Dick nor Rummy serve at the pleasure of the president. Along with Bush, they are president.
"Think of it this way: If Cheney is Bush's adult supervision, Rumsfeld is Cheney's. Rummy was Cheney's boss and mentor in the Seventies and that power dynamic remains in full effect. In the Cheney/Rumsfeld cabal, power flows downhill from Rumsfeld." (Rolling Stone, April 14, 2006)
Maybe this is a desperate grab in the dark. They are, after all, running out of distractions.
Maybe what we are seeing is a horrid administration that is finally seeing the cracks in its own foundation. One that knows that sometime in the near future the weight of its lies, guilt and hypocrisy is going to reach critical mass. I hope when Bush reads the paper in the morning, or at least has someone give him the gyst of it, he feels that familiar, panicked, sinking feeling. Like when you are stopped at a redlight and you look into your rear-view mirror to realize that the inattentive driver behind you is not going to stop.
What ever happened to good ol' Scooter? Well, all I can find on the whole Libby situation is an article on Rolling Stone and a couple of new links on The Smoking Gun that indicate that he is calling Karl Rove and Ari Fleischer to testify. "You're doin' a helluva job" Scooter.
To top this feculent pile is yet another shining emblem of our great nations trend of overcoming adversity, triumphing beyond all odds and making it to the top of the hill to look out onto a beautiful sunrise then, for no aparent reason, turning around and running the other way: The Omaha, Nebraska school district is going to re-segregate. Thats right, in early July 2008 there will be three separate yet deliberately unequal school systems in Omaha. One mostly for whites, one mostly for blacks and one mostly for hispanics.
This, along with the fact that theology is being taught as a science at several institutions after being smuggled in under the guise of "Intelligent Design" as well as Bush's early cabinet-meetings with God and all 'round erosion of the separation of church and state are just footprints that our society is leaving in the sand as we back-pedal into some previous century that will keep the Right in both power and wealth.